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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kama (Anonymous, 172.226.62.) Warszawa 8 months ago

Is it normal that I have already been bleeding for 2 weeks after applying the Ginoring disc and am I protected?
24.99 zł

It's been two weeks since I applied my first Ginoring system and I'm still spotting. (I put the disc on the second day of my period) Is this normal? Should I take extra care to prevent pregnancy during intercourse?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

This is a typical reaction in the first 3 months of using hormonal contraception. The body gets used to the supply of hormones and spotting and bleeding may occur while wearing the disc.

Inserting the first disc on the 2nd day of menstruation provides protection after 7 days of wearing the ring. So if you have been wearing the ring for two weeks, you are fully protected and do not need to use an additional form of contraception in the form of a condom.

Since you have applied the disc correctly, you will also be protected during the 7-day break between the rings.

Spotting and mid-cycle bleeding should subside at 3-4 discs. If they are still present at the 4th disc, then you should see a gynecologist.

Here you can check the availability of Ginoring discs in pharmacies and make a reservation:


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