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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Agnieszka (Anonymous, 31.0.76.) Warszawa 9 months ago

I've been using Femoston mini but there hasn't been any improvement - are there any good over-the-counter medications for menopause symptoms?

Good morning, I've been using femostone mini since December 7th, but there is no improvement, my hobbies have intensified even more, sweating at night and I have terrible hot bites, impossible to make, I don't have a doctor's appointment until January, are there any good over-the-counter medications

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

Over-the-counter preparations used to relieve menopausal symptoms usually contain phytoestrogens that are similar to female estrogens, but their effect is much weaker than those prescribed as part of hormone replacement therapy. Examples of over-the-counter products:



On our website, you can check the availability of preparations and place an order with pick-up at the pharmacy or home delivery.

The addition of other ingredients, such as hops or lemon balm, can have a calming effect and regulate nervous tension. Sage can be used as a remedy for hyperhidrosis.

You can find more information about this here:



It is a good idea to seek medical advice and discuss other treatment options for hormone replacement therapy. You can read more about preparations used in the treatment of troublesome menopause symptoms here:



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