Welcome to licensed pharmacies in Poland:

Non-prescription medicines delivery across Europe.

Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Manc (Anonymous, 92.40.213.) Katowice 8 months ago

In the post from 2023-12-15 ( Friday) you wrote that with Novo Nordisk about...

In the post from 2023-12-15 (Friday) you wrote that you have received information from Novo Nordisk that the next shipments of Ozempic 1 mg should be expected next Monday (i.e. yesterday 18.12). Sales to pharmacies were to start immediately. At the beginning of next week (yesterday was the beginning of the week) the drug was supposed to be available in pharmacies again. It is Tuesday and the availability of the drug in ALL of Polish is STILL 0%.
What's going on ?

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Jozef Bromba (Anonymous, 83.26.241.) 8 months ago

It's a game that the drug was there but you had to wait for it. I bought 3 prescription packs from this batch.

Emsi (Anonymous, 109.231.9.) 8 months ago

Hello, is there any new information about the drug?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

I'm waiting for an update on the information from the manufacturer. Nevertheless, the demand for the drug is huge and the preparation is sold out to pharmacies usually within 1-2 hours of its appearance in the wholesaler.

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