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Kiger (Anonymous, 212.191.80.) Warszawa 9 months ago

When will the visual disturbances after Atoris go away?

Good morning
The doctor prescribed me Atoris in a dose of 20mg, after about 5-6 weeks of use, I experienced side effects m.in: dizziness, headaches, visual disturbances, leg muscle pain. I've stopped taking the drug and I'm not going to go back to it! Most of the symptoms have disappeared, I still have a slight dizziness and slight visual disturbances. Will the situation normalize and when? It has been 10 days since this pseudodrug was discontinued. Does this drug cause permanent consequences of its effects? Best regards

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

It is not specified how many days it will take for these symptoms to resolve. However, these symptoms are temporary. If you do not see an improvement after 2-3 weeks, you should consult your doctor.

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