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Oliwia90 (Anonymous, 195.136.40.) Warszawa 9 months ago

Can you eat garlic while taking Exacyl?

Good morning
Can you eat garlic while taking exacyl? I have the impression that an hour after eating there is bleeding. How long does it take for exacyl to work?

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

9 months ago

Garlic contains active substances such as allicin, which are known for their anticoagulant properties, i.e. the ability to inhibit blood clotting. For this reason, there is a theoretical possibility that garlic may interfere with the effectiveness of anticoagulants such as tranexamic acid.

Tranexamic acid is a medication used, m.in, to control bleeding, especially in the case of excessive nosebleeds, bleeding gums, as well as during surgical procedures. It is a drug that inhibits the processes of fibrinolysis, i.e. the breakdown of blood clots.

The effects of garlic on tranexamic acid are not fully studied, and information is limited. In addition, the effect of garlic on blood clotting may be variable depending on the amount of garlic consumed, the individual body's response, and other factors.

At the following link you can examine the availability of Exacyl in pharmacies in Polish:


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