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Izaw (Anonymous, 83.31.48.) Warszawa 9 months ago

What to use on a wound after pulling off the foreskin?

My son had his foreskin pulled back and now he has a fresh wound that we should wash with octanisept, but it hurts him a lot and you can't get close to the pee and here is my question if there is any analgesic ointment that I could use before cleansing (we have some emla cream left, but I don't know if it can be applied directly to the wounds.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

It would be best to consult a urological surgeon. The specialist will recommend appropriate care so that no scar remains. You may need a prescription steroid ointment.
Until the visit, you can use, for example, baths in a solution of potassium permanganate or soaks made of Rivanol.

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