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Dino (Anonymous, 37.109.167.) Warszawa 9 months ago

Can I get persistent itching of the scalp after reducing my dose of Pralex? How to deal with it?

I've been using Pralex for over a month now, but because I've started to run out of pills, I've gone from one and a half tablets a day to one tablet a day. Now I'm going back to one and a half again. I've been getting persistent and unbearable itching of my head for a week. Could this be a dose reduction effect or a side effect of the drug? What can be done about it?

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

9 months ago

The symptoms you describe coincide with the side effects that patients may experience while taking Pralex. The manufacturer of the drug mentions here urticaria, itching, rash.

Please note that this medicine is obtained with a prescription and should be used exactly as prescribed. Pralex cannot be taken on its own and the decision to change the dosage can only be made by a doctor.

If the therapy is to be continued in your case and the dose reduction was only due to the lack of medication and was not agreed with the doctor, I would advise you to consult a doctor.

When stopping treatment with Pralex, the dose should be gradually reduced over a period of at least 1 to 2 weeks to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
In case of intolerable symptoms resulting from dose reduction or discontinuation, consideration should be given to Resume your previous dose – as you did.

Your doctor may then continue to reduce your dose in a more gradual manner.

Withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation of treatment are common, especially if the discontinuation is abrupt. In general, these symptoms go away on their own, usually within 2 weeks, although they may last longer in some people (2-3 months or more).

If you are unable to contact your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


Here you can check the availability of the drug with the possibility of booking it at the pharmacy: 


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