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Bobbi18 (Anonymous, 37.30.22.) Warszawa 6 months ago

Is amenorrhea during the use of a contraceptive implant a cause for concern and is it worth taking a pregnancy test?
24.99 zł

Hello, maybe my question will seem strange, but I decided to write . On October 2nd, I had a contraceptive implant. I had my period on October 20th
It lasted 11 days. I haven't had my period since. The leaflet says that your period may not occur. Is there any cause for concern? And the second question: is it worth doing a pregnancy test from time to time with an implant? Thank you in advance for your comprehensive reply. Best regards.

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Gosiaczek  (Anonymous, 91.192.199.) 5 months ago

Hello, I have had this implant inserted for two years now and I have had my period a few times. It can be said that now I don't even remember when it was and it's normal after putting on such a miracle . I asked the doctor who put it on. Please don't worry, no need to take pregnancy tests. Just enjoy.

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

The Summary of Product Characteristics mentions possible cycle disorders such as absence of bleeding, which have been observed in 1 in 5 women using a contraceptive implant. If the implant has been placed correctly, there is no reason to worry about the lack of contraceptive effect, even if you do not observe your menstruation. For the same reason, I don't see the need for pregnancy tests (the effectiveness of Implanon Nxt is expected to last for 3 years), but if you feel anxious, you can of course do it.

In case of any doubts, it is possible to order a teleconsultation with a gynecologist on our website. The service is available in the e-visit tab:


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