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Basia (Anonymous, 31.182.243.) Warszawa 9 months ago

Does the order in which you take Yaz pink pills matter?

Yaz - does the order in which you take the pink pills matter (e.g. row 1 and 3)?
For example, I want to speed up the bleeding and after the pink pill No. 17 (row 3) I will start taking white for 4 days. Can I start another blister with them and start a new blister after no. 24? Or first a new blister in its entirety 1-24 and only then the remaining 18-24?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

All Yaz active tablets have the same composition, the order in which you take the pills does not matter much. Starting the blister on the right day allows you to better control your intake.

Changing the bleeding day should be done according to the procedure described in the summary of product characteristics:

"To change the day of withdrawal bleeding to a different day of the week than your current dosing schedule, it may be recommended to shorten the next placebo tablet period by any number of days. The shorter the break, the more likely it is that you will not experience withdrawal bleeding, while bleeding and mid-cycle spotting may occur when taking tablets from the next pack (similar to delayed withdrawal bleeding)."

If you take a break after the 17th tablet and then use a new blister plus the overdue tablets, you may experience side effects related to the disruption of the cycle regularity (mid-cycle spotting, bleeding). A better option is to take the planned amount of tablets and use the medicine according to the procedure.

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