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Tarka (Anonymous, 31.11.128.) Warszawa 8 months ago

Should I use Rytmonorm every 12 hours?

Good morning. I take 150 rhythmonorm at 10 am, in the evening at 8 pm and beto zk 25(1/2) tablets. The cardiologist recommended taking rhythmonorm every 12 hours. I have the impression that this is too long a time interval. I'm asking for advice because I'm confused. In addition, atarax before bedtime. Should I change my cardiologist?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

Perhaps the first thing to do is to measure your blood pressure regularly and record the results. The measurements should then be presented to your doctor, who will then determine the appropriate dosage for you. Do not change your dosage based solely on your subjective feelings.

As for Rytmonorm - after oral administration, the maximum plasma concentration of propafenone hydrochloride occurs after 2 to 3 hours. Therefore, you may experience fluctuations in blood pressure if you take the medication every 12 hours.

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If you need advice from a cardiologist, you can take advantage of the teleconsultation here:


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