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Zaciekawiony  (Anonymous, 94.232.38.) Warszawa 10 months ago

What is the difference between a 40 mg and a 20 mg dose of Tezeo?

Hello, what is the difference between 40 mg and 20 mg when it comes to Tezeo 40 mg ? It's about the length of action ? If the half-life of this preparation is 20 mg at a dose of 40 mg, does that mean that at a dose of 20 mg there will be 10 hours ?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

As a first step, I would like to clarify that Tezeo does not come in a 20 mg dose, but in 40 mg and 80 mg doses. Tezeo, 40 mg is, however, in the form of a tablet, which can be divided into equal doses to obtain two halves, each containing 20 mg telmisartan.

Tezeo 40 mg contains twice as much active ingredient telmisartan in one tablet as Tezeo 20 mg. The symbol "mg" here refers to the unit of measurement - milligrams. 40 milligrams of telmisartan is twice as strong as 20 milligrams, in practice the drug is twice as potent. The half-life of the drug is not affected by the dose.

The biological half-life of a drug in the elimination phase depends only on the elimination rate constant and is specific to the active substance in question. However, it can be affected by factors such as gender, race, age, or general health. The elimination process of telmisartan is characterized by a curve with a half-life of more than 20 hours.

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