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Karolina (Anonymous, 37.47.218.) Warszawa 9 months ago

Does the antibiotic Klabax affect the contraceptive pill Vibin Mini?

Does the antibiotic Klabax, which contains mainly clarithromycin, reduce the effect of the contraceptive pill Vibin Mini? I would add that the antibiotic used in the first week of the new blister.
The antibiotic leaflet does not mention affecting oral contraception, and the contraceptive pill leaflet does not say anything about this type of antibiotic.

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Marta Janocha Pharmacist

8 months ago

The use of an antibiotic containing clarithromycin may or may not affect the effectiveness of hormonal contraception (Vibin Mini). Research is inconclusive.

Women using oral contraceptives should be informed of the risk of intermenstrual bleeding and unintended pregnancy during concomitant antimicrobial therapy. Alternative or additional methods of birth control should be considered during and for at least one week after the last dose of short-term antimicrobial therapy.

To sum up, for safety, please also use a barrier method of contraception (condom).

You can book Vibin Mini from the pharmacy of your choice using our portal:


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