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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Wiktoria  (Anonymous, 85.221.145.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Can Complidermol 5 help with hirsutism and oily skin in the course of PCOS?

Hello, I suffer from PCOS. My biggest problems are hirsutism and oily skin and hair. I was on birth control pills for 2 years, but due to migraines, the treatment was changed to the Kyleena IUD. Unfortunately, the problems came back with the change in treatment. Can Complidermol 5 alpha be used in this case? Can it help with hirsutism and oiliness?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

Complidermol is designed to reduce the effect of an enzyme that binds to testosterone, which causes the miniaturization of hair follicles (and consequently thinning hair and excessive hair loss). The preparation is dedicated to people who struggle, m.in, with androgenetic alopecia and in the case of this ailment an improvement should be expected. If, at the same time, sebum secretion decreases, it will be an additional advantage of this supplement, although in this situation scalp rubs will work better, e.g.



Other ailments, such as hirsutism, should be consulted with specialists, also from the cosmetology industry.

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