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Кате (Anonymous, 46.216.90.) Warszawa 9 months ago

What can be taken in case of dry cough, hoarseness, general fatigue in an adult?

Good evening. What can be taken in case of dry cough, hoarseness, general fatigue in an adult?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

If the symptoms are related to an upper respiratory tract infection, strengthening preparations containing e.g. zinc, propolis, vitamin C and rutin can be used. Examples of products that can be ordered on our website for home delivery or pharmacy pickup:




It is also worth taking vitamin D. You can also use herbal preparations available in the form of sachets to dissolve and drink, e.g. Verbascon and Grinovita. They have a warming and strengthening effect:



Dry cough medicines are available in syrup or tablet form. Examples of preparations are e.g. Unituss syrup, Supremin, Levopront or Thiocodin tablets. It is worth remembering that most cough suppressants can impair your ability to concentrate, so be careful when driving a car or operating machinery. Hoarseness is best combated with moisturizing lozenges with a high content of hyaluronic acid or Icelandic moss extract, e.g. Cevitt, Isla, Fiorda, Gelovox.




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