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Jonasz  (Anonymous, 188.146.250.) Warszawa 9 months ago

Can tachycardia and blood pressure rise occur at the beginning of treatment with Aciprex?

Can the initial intake of Aciprex cause tachycardia or raise blood pressure, or does it work the other way around?

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

9 months ago

Based on the information provided by the manufacturer of the medicine, it is known that hypotension may be a side effect of the vascular system when taking Aciprex. Tachycardia can occur as a result of too low blood pressure.

Side effects are most common within the first or second week of treatment and generally decrease in severity and frequency with continued treatment.

Because Aciprex can only be obtained with a prescription, you should not decide to change your dose or stop taking it yourself.

I would advise you to contact your doctor and inform him or her of your symptoms. Your doctor will assess your situation and decide whether to change your dose or take a different medicine.

If you are unable to contact your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


If you continue your treatment with the drug, you can check the availability of the drug here and book it at the pharmacy: 


I also encourage you to report this side effect. You can read more about how and why you should do it here:


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