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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Henryk  (Anonymous, 188.146.252.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Why was the pharmacy only given 4 packets of Afobam out of the 6 prescribed on the prescription?

The doctor prescribed me 6 packets of afobam. In the pharmacy I was given 4 packets referring to some recipe. What's going on?

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

10 months ago

The medicine has been dispensed to you in the correct amount, in accordance with the new regulations that have been in force since 21.09 this year.

Afobam is a medicine that comes in a pack of 30 tablets. I assume that the dosage on the prescription marked by the doctor was 1x1, i.e. you take one tablet a day.

According to the current rules, the pharmacist can dispense the amount of medicine necessary for the 120-day course of treatment to the patient. You have therefore received 4 packets of the drug, which covers the need for 120 days of therapy.

The pharmacist could not dispense all 6 packs because it would exceed the duration of the therapy. The drug would then be dispensed for 180 days instead of 120 days of treatment.

If you have an annual prescription, you can fill oil packs at the pharmacy where you started your prescription after 90 days from the date of purchase.

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