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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Milena (Anonymous, 85.221.137.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Is it incorrect to swallow saliva tablets?

Is it incorrect not to sip the tablets, but to swallow them with saliva, or to reduce the effectiveness of the tablets if there are no symptoms such as coughing or choking? Sometimes just a scratchy feeling in the throat or a feeling that there is something in the throat, but without much discomfort. Best regards

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

10 months ago

The basic rule of thumb when taking medication is to follow your doctor's instructions or the information on the leaflet that comes with the medicine. However, in general, some tablets can only be swallowed with saliva, provided they are small enough and have no special requirements for liquid intake. There are medications that should be taken with adequate amounts of water or other liquid. Some tablets can be difficult to swallow without additional lubrication, and at the same time, the liquid helps to transport the medication through the digestive tract. From my perspective - I suggested using water to swallow all the pills - this will eliminate this "scratchy" feeling.

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