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Lena (Anonymous, 37.30.4.) Warszawa 9 months ago

How to dose Ceclor 250/5 and what to give if your child has a fever?

Good morning. My daughter got ceclor for otitis. Unfortunately, the doctor's recommendations fell on my shoulders and I don't know if I'm reading the dosage correctly. It says 2x 5ml, I think. The daughter is 17 kilos. Is this the correct dosage for ceclor 250/5ml? Please advise. And what to give for fever with ceclor. Thank you

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Marta Janocha Pharmacist

9 months ago

According to the summary of product characteristics, the recommended usual dose for children is 20 mg/kg/day in divided doses administered every 8 hours.

For more severe infections, otitis media and infections caused by less sensitive bacteria, a dose of 40 mg/kg/day in divided doses is recommended. The maximum daily dose is 1 g.

For the treatment of otitis media and pharyngitis, the daily dose can be given in 2 divided doses every 12 hours.

To sum up, I suggest contacting the doctor who prescribed the drug or the pharmacy that filled the prescription. This will help determine the correct dosage.

In the case of fever in a child, the first choice is always paracetamol, e.g.



If it is not effective, the drug can be used with ibuprofen, e.g.



Each of these preparations can be purchased in an online pharmacy using our portal. It is worth using the Wolt Drive service.

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