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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

YRRR (Anonymous, 5.173.208.) Warszawa 9 months ago

Can children go outside in autumn and winter with an emollient?

Hello, can you put emollient on your face for children outside in autumn and winter? Best regards

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

9 months ago

This is highly recommended.
Emollients are used to prevent the symptoms of atopic dermatitis (AD), such as dry skin, irritation, redness and symptoms accompanying allergic reactions. They are recommended for daily use on the face and body.

If you need to provide protection against external factors (frost, wind, dry air), I would especially recommend barrier creams, i.e. creams for special tasks. They prevent the skin from drying out, providing a long-lasting and multidirectional effect of lubrication and hydration.

There are many preparations available on the market that are designed for children with skin prone to atopy and irritation. Most of them are safe for babies from the first day of life.

Here you can compare the prices of sample preparations and order them with home delivery or pick-up at the pharmacy:




I'm sending you materials that may be helpful in choosing the right cream:


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