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Milly (Anonymous, 151.77.137.) Warszawa 9 months ago

What are the long-term side effects of Hyrimoz (and biologics in general) and can it cause cancer?

Hello, I wanted to know what are the long-term side effects of this drug and biotech in general, and if they predispose to tumors... Thank you

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

Adverse reactions occurring during biological treatment are most often associated with the effect on the patient's immune system, which is manifested by a tendency to infections (including reactivation of latent infections). An allergic reaction at the injection site as well as headaches and musculoskeletal pain are very common. It is difficult to clearly assess the susceptibility to cancer during the use of biological treatment, because very often there are additional circumstances that may affect the development of oncological disease (e.g. chronic, severe inflammation, taking other immunosuppressive drugs at the same time, smoking, etc.). Patients taking Hyrimoz should be regularly monitored for possible cancerous lesions (especially non-melanoma skin lesions, colon lesions in UC, and other benign proliferative forms). A higher level of cancer risk was found in adolescents and young adults treated with Hyrimoz. It is worth remembering that diseases that are subject to biological treatment may in themselves cause a tendency to cancer, and the decision to implement biological treatment most often concerns patients with an advanced form of the disease, in whom the benefit of the therapy outweighs the potential risk.

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