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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Agnes (Anonymous, 77.254.135.) Warszawa 10 months ago

I would like to ask you to recommend a different mini-pill than Slinda, which is well tolerated and can be used for pressure surges.

Good morning
I've been taking the Slinda pill for a year now. I have heavy bleeding every 12 days. In addition, very bad mental well-being. I also take Betalock zok 25. I've read that with Slinda it can cause interactions. Please recommend another mini-pill, ktira is well tolerated. That because of the pressure spikes I can't take two-component. I also took Ovulan, which caused constant intense spotting.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

The Summary of Product Characteristics does not indicate a risk of a pharmacologically relevant interaction between Slinda and Betaloc. Slinda can cause cycle disturbances and mid-cycle spotting. Any hormonal contraception can negatively affect your mood – this is a common side effect of both one- and two-component pills. A mini-pill with a different composition than Slinda is, for example, Cerazette. The decision to change the method of contraception is made by the doctor. If you experience bothersome side effects while taking the tablets, you may consider inserting an IUD.

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