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Warszawa 9 months ago

Can white mulberry weaken the effect of a high-energy diet?

I'm on a high-calorie diet, after which I should gradually gain weight. There are no effects. For more than a month he has been drinking white mulberry tea,that because of the numerous benefits of this flow. Could this be the reason for the lack of effect of the diet and the more often felt hunger? My diet is balanced, set by a dietician.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

The reason for the lack of progress may be the consumption of white mulberry tea.

"The property of white mulberry to reduce the breakdown of starch into simple sugars is also conducive to weight loss. This is because a reduction in carbohydrate absorption leads to less fat deposition. The plant has also been shown to have appetite suppressant effects."

Please refrain from consuming white mulberry infusions.

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