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amdm25 (Anonymous, 31.0.39.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Is it normal that my skin does not burn after Acne-Derm?

I've heard a lot of reviews about Acne-Derm and I decided to buy it, my face is great after it but I haven't noticed that it burns me or something where a lot of people complain about it and I'm wondering if it's normal that it doesn't burn me or anything? Is it possible that it works, but without any feeling on your face?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

Acne-Derm is a preparation used to treat acne, and the effectiveness and possible side effects may vary depending on the individual body's reaction. Not everyone may experience a burning sensation after using this product.

Burning sensations, redness or other skin reactions are some of the potential side effects of many anti-acne preparations. If your skin responds well to the Acne-Derm cream and you do not experience unpleasant side effects and the condition of your skin improves, it means that the product is working properly.

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