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Sylwia  (Anonymous, 89.64.5.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Throughout the day, I feel a slight tingling sensation mainly in the palm of my left hand. What could be the cause?

Hello. Throughout the day, I feel a slight tingling sensation mainly in the palm of my left hand. The day before I trained at the gym (admittedly the bottom of the body, but the top is still engaged). What could be the cause? What is the best place to start with a diagnosis?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

A tingling sensation in the hand can have various causes, and as an outsider, I am not able to give a definite answer based on such a brief description. I can only give you general information:

1. Muscle overload: Intense training can lead to muscle overload, which can sometimes affect the nerves and cause tingling. In such a case, such an event should be episodic and temporary.

2. Circulatory problems: Changes in blood flow, especially if there has been intense exercise, can affect tingling sensations.

3. Nerve problems: It is possible that the workout has caused a slight irritation to the nerves, which manifests itself as tingling.

4. Back problems: Back problems, such as nerve compression, can also cause tingling in the hands.

5. Carpal tunnel syndrome: This condition can cause tingling in the hands, especially if you have previously made repetitive hand movements.

6. Vitamin or electrolyte deficiency: Deficiencies can affect nerve function.

Please observe the situation, if the tingling persists or intensifies, I encourage you to consult your doctor. Your doctor can perform a thorough evaluation and, if necessary, order additional diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the tingling and recommend appropriate treatment. If it is not possible to visit the site, I encourage you to take advantage of the teleconsultation via e.g. the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


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