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beret (Anonymous, 146.70.85.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Does Silamil interact with Zahron, Co-Prestarium, Silodosin?

I am 77 years old.
I'm taking medications: Co-Prestarium, zahron, silodosin aurovitas. Now the urologist has prescribed me Silamil. Does this drug react with the above drugs, especially silodosin? Can silodosin and silamil be taken together, or is it better to take them separately (e.g. silodsin in the morning and silamil in the evening)

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

To @beret:
Yes, please be careful when combining Miansec with Silamil, Siludosin and Co-Prestarium. This combination may result in an increased risk of arrhythmias and a decrease in blood pressure. Drops in blood pressure are usually particularly noticeable when changing the body position from lying down to standing and are manifested by weakness, dizziness, increased heartbeat and even fainting.

Check your blood pressure regularly. If it is too low or you experience other worrying symptoms, please contact your doctor.

beret (Anonymous, 146.70.85.) 10 months ago

One more thing.
For sleep problems, the doctor prescribed me 1/2 tablet of MIANSEC 10mg. Does this medicine interact with the above medicines? Can it affect blood pressure or heart function (e.g. arrhythmia)?

Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

10 months ago

The literature and available research do not mention this. The risk of fainting in this case is caused by a drop in blood pressure (systolic by at least 20 mmHg or diastolic by at least 10 mmHg) after standing. We call this orthostatic hypotension.

However, please keep an eye on your body. The risk of interactions does not mean that they have to occur and this is a very individual matter for each patient.
If you notice any worrying symptoms or an increase in blood pressure despite taking medication, you should of course see a doctor.

beret (Anonymous, 146.70.85.) 10 months ago

Among the drugs that have been mentioned, there is an interaction between Co-Prestarium and Silodosin. Taking them increases the risk of dizziness and fainting.
And could this interaction also result in an increase in blood pressure?

Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

10 months ago

Among the drugs that have been mentioned, the interaction occurs between Co-Prestarium and the drug Silodosin. Taking them increases the risk of dizziness and fainting.
There are no pharmacological interactions between the other drugs, so there are no contraindications to their concomitant use. Just remember to keep at least 20 minutes between each tablet you take and always drink your medication with water.

If you have been prescribed by equal doctors, you should consult your doctor to make sure you are taking them or consider switching to a different medication due to the risk of interactions.

If it is not possible to contact your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


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