Welcome to licensed pharmacies in Poland:

Non-prescription medicines delivery across Europe.

Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Livia  (Anonymous, 91.244.208.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Can I take Bioxetin, Spamilan and Drovelis?

Do the medicines bioxetin and spamilan weaken the contraceptive pill drovelis?

3 answers, 1 subscriber

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

To @Paacjentka:

Drovelis can cause swelling of the breasts, lumps and cysts. These are some of the reported side effects of the drug. In the event of their occurrence, I encourage you to consult a doctor, e.g. via teleconsultation, m.in. through the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


Brintellix can cause itching all over the body (including the eyelids).

I encourage you to report the occurrence of adverse drug reactions. Reporting side effects allows you to increase control over the medicines available on the market. We wrote more about how and why to report side effects in the article:


I am attaching links that allow you to check the availability of medicines and make a reservation in selected pharmacies:



Paacjentka  (Anonymous, 37.47.182.) 7 months ago

Can the drug drovelis mina swollen breasts and cysts in them and can the eyelids itch after brintelix

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

10 months ago

Yes, neither Spamilan nor Bioxetin will impair the effectiveness of the hormonal contraceptive Drovelis - there is no need to worry. You can keep a time interval of about 1 hour between taking individual medications.

At the following links you can check the availability of individual preparations in pharmacies in Polish and make a reservation in the selected facility:




I invite you to read the content of the article:


User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
