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Wiola (Anonymous, 94.254.128.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Can glucose in the urine be caused by Furaginum Adamed?

The daughter of a 4-year-old has been taking half a tablet of furaginum achmed at night for a month because she is going for a cystography. I did a general urine test - a sample taken while taking furagin - the results were fine, no bacteria, only very high glucose came out. Is it possible that it was because of this furagine?

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Marta Janocha Pharmacist

10 months ago

When even a small amount of glucose appears in the urine, it is recommended to perform additional tests to help determine the cause of this condition.

Furagina may also affect your urine glucose tests. Tests may turn out to be false positives.

However, please inform the laboratory and the doctor who is taking care of the child about the situation.

You can book Furagina Adamed at a pharmacy of your choice using our website:


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