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Aneta  (Anonymous, 46.134.66.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Will drinking three glasses of wine weaken the effect of birth control pills?

Hello, a few days ago my partner put his penis literally twice in the vagina, I'm afraid that who will be there prejaculate, which makes me afraid of pregnancy, I will add that I have been taking birth control pills for a year but on this day I drank three glasses of wine, in this situation I would like to ask if there is a chance to get pregnant or not, because I have been losing my mind since then. Best regards

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

10 months ago

If you have taken the contraceptive pill according to the schedule, the risk of pregnancy is negligible.

Please remember that alcohol does not affect the hormones contained in hormonal contraception, especially when taken orally. In your case, drinking three glasses of wine will not make the contraceptive pill stop working.

However, if you are concerned about the situation, you can take a pregnancy test 8 days after intercourse to be sure.

Here you can compare the prices of sample pregnancy tests and order them for home delivery or pick-up at the pharmacy:



Here you can read more about hormonal contraception:


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