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Claudia  (Anonymous, 151.36.233.) Warszawa 10 months ago

What are the chances that I could be pregnant if I use a contraceptive implant?

Good morning. I write about the subcutaneous contraceptive implant. I put it on at the beginning of May and to date I have the same symptoms as the previous pregnancies. Dizziness, nausea, tiredness and a lot of appetite. I don't have any leakage of any kind I'm still breastfeeding. Test currently negative. I happened to have to take antibiotics. What are the chances of expecting the surprise? Thanks in case of the reply

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

If you use a contraceptive implant, the risk of pregnancy is very low. Contraceptive implants are one of the most effective contraceptive methods available on the market today.

The symptoms you describe - dizziness, nausea, fatigue and a large appetite - can have various causes. They may be related to hormonal changes, antibiotics, or other factors. If the pregnancy test is negative, it's a good sign.

Antibiotics can affect the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, however, most antibiotics do not have a significant effect on the contraceptive implant. However, it's always a good idea to tell your doctor about the medications you're taking.

If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of contraception or you experience any worrying symptoms, I encourage you to consult your doctor. If you do not have the possibility of an in-person visit, I encourage you to take advantage of the teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


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