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Betixa (Anonymous, 164.127.219.) Warszawa 11 months ago

What can I do so that my legs and lower back don't hurt during walks?

What can I do so that my legs and lower back don't hurt during walks? I'm 24 years old and because of depression I don't exercise much, I'm also overweight

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

First of all, the cause of the pain should be diagnosed. It is a good idea to visit an orthopedist and perform diagnostic imaging. You may need rehabilitation and/or strengthening exercises. It's hard to suggest any solutions without knowing the source of the problem. On your own, you can get comfortable shoes with an orthopedic/profiled insole (some models of sports shoes have this variant), which will affect your entire posture and walking comfort.

In case of any doubts, I encourage you to take advantage of a teleconsultation with an orthopedist:


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