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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Alekssandra089 (Anonymous, 188.146.124.) Warszawa 11 months ago

Did storing birth control pills under warm air for 20 minutes affect their effectiveness?

Good morning for 20 minutes birth control pills were
Under the supply of warm air, they did not fly directly to the place where they were. They did not change their structure, the packaging was stowed into a backpack, in its original packaging and cardboard case. After removing and inspecting, the package was only slightly warm. Could the pills have lost their effectiveness because of something like this? Would it be necessary to leave the pills like this for 2/3 days for anything to happen to them?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

No, this should not affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill. However, if possible, please store the tablets at room temperature as recommended by the manufacturer.

Preparations containing hormones are sensitive to temperature changes. Manufacturers state that contraceptive pills should not be stored above 25-30°C (exact temperature thresholds vary depending on the type of pill).

Instructions on proper storage can be found in the leaflet of your contraceptive and here:


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