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Kasia sikorska (Anonymous, 83.26.195.) Warszawa 10 months ago

Can Mysimba, Cital, Lithium and Pregabalin be used together?

Can mysymbie be combined with pregabalin, lithium and cital?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

The combination of Mysimba and Cital is not recommended. This is explained at length in the following opinion:


It is not recommended to use Lithium and Cital together. The use of selective reuptake inhibitors (such as Cital) may increase the toxic effects of lithium leading to symptoms of serotonin syndrome (e.g. confusion, dizziness). In the event that medications have been prescribed by one doctor, you should follow his or her recommendations closely.

Lithium is one of the antipsychotic drugs. Due to the narrow therapeutic index, it is recommended that possible combination therapy with Mysimba be administered under the control of plasma levels.

There are no contraindications to the combined use of pregabalin and Mysimba.

In the event that medications have been prescribed by different doctors, I encourage you to consult again. You can also take advantage of a teleconsultation via e.g. the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


I encourage you to inform your doctor about all the preparations you use. This will make it possible to select safe and effective pharmacotherapy.

I am attaching links that allow you to check the availability of medicines and make a reservation at the pharmacy of your choice:





We wrote about whether it is possible to combine drugs with each other in the article:


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