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A.L.A  (Anonymous, 155.133.37.) Warszawa 8 months ago

When should I change my bed linen during treatment for porridge with Pyrantelum Owix?

How long after taking Pyrantelum should the bedding be changed?

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Marta Janocha Pharmacist

8 months ago

During the treatment of porridge, it is recommended to strictly follow the rules of hygiene. Bedding should be changed frequently and washed in hot water.

General recommendations include:

- daily cleaning of the apartment (dust removal),

- daily change of underwear,

- frequent change of bed linen and towels (they should be washed in hot water),

- nail trimming

- daily morning shower (removes most of the eggs from the skin).

The active ingredient in Pyrantelum Owix destroys the adult pinworm, but does not destroy the eggs of the parasite itself. Due to frequent relapses, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after one month. In the case of an intense condition, several cycles of treatment will be required. Treatment should include potential carriers, such as family members, other children at school or kindergarten. To limit the spread of eggs, it is recommended to sleep in tight-fitting underwear during treatment.

You can order Pyrantelum from an online pharmacy through our portal.


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