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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ania (Anonymous, 79.184.37.) Warszawa 11 months ago

Will the Fluenz Tetra vaccine still be available in pharmacies?

Will Fluenz Tetra be available in pharmacies in the near future?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

We have information from the manufacturer that they will not supply the Fluenz Tetra vaccine to the Polish market in the 2024/25 season. They explain it as a business decision of the company. All that remains is to use intramuscular vaccines, one of which - Influvac Tetra is already available in pharmacies.

You can check availability and make a reservation here:


The second - Vaxigrip Tetra is to be available at the turn of August / September this year:


Marta Janocha Pharmacist

11 months ago

Unfortunately, according to the information from the manufacturer, last week's delivery of the Fluenz Tetra vaccine was the first and last planned delivery of this preparation to the Polish market in the 2023/24 flu season. 25,000 units of the vaccine have been delivered to pharmacies and it will only be available until current stocks are exhausted.

According to the data on our website, none of the pharmacies have Fluenz Tetra anymore.


Vaxigrip Tetra is still available:


You can reserve the product at the pharmacy of your choice. It is also possible to get vaccinated at a pharmacy that runs a vaccination centre.

I'm attaching the following articles:



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