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Rusja (Anonymous, 62.157.217.) Warszawa 10 months ago

How long can you take lorazepam?

How long can you take lorazepam 1 mg? My son has autism. He is afraid of everything, frequent tantrums. Currently, only benzodiazepines help.

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Marta Janocha Pharmacist

10 months ago

As lorazepam requires a prescription, any decision to use it should be consulted with a specialist.

According to the summary of product characteristics, the dose and duration of treatment should be determined individually for each patient. Apply
the lowest effective dose for as short a period as possible. The dose may be increased if necessary. Long-term use of the medicinal product is not recommended. In general, the duration of treatment should not exceed 2-4 weeks, including gradual discontinuation of the drug. The duration of treatment should not be extended until the need for continued treatment has been determined and should not exceed a maximum of 2-3 months. Chronic use is not recommended because little is known about long-term safety and efficacy, and lorazepam can induce addiction. The drug should be discontinued gradually, as the risk of withdrawal and rebound symptoms increases after abrupt discontinuation.

To sum up, it is best to discuss this topic with the doctor who takes care of your son.

I'm attaching information about the drug with lorazepam:


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