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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Jola (Anonymous, 176.115.83.) Warszawa 11 months ago

How to react to side effects with Valsacor?

After Walsakor e I have a cough, muscle and joint pain and a swollen oral mucosa, stomach and intestines, vulva, I have no digestion, I feel very bad, also after lactose, I take ~ also metocard 5 2 times a day walsakor 160 1
once dz and primakor 20 1 time

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Marta Janocha Pharmacist

11 months ago

Any side effects that occur while taking this medicine should be reported to your doctor. The specialist will be able to decide whether to change the treatment.
According to the summary of product characteristics, Valsacor may cause angioedema, myalgia and cough. The frequency of these symptoms is unknown. To sum up, please report the above-mentioned side effects of the drug to your doctor. On your own, please do not stop the treatment.

Other drugs - Primacor and Metocard - are also used to treat hypertension.

I am attaching information about Valsacor: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/81260/valsacor-160-mg-tabletki-powlekane/apteki?pvid=132398#stacjonarne

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