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Non-prescription medicines delivery across Europe.

Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

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Kolowrotek  (Anonymous, 31.61.242.) 10 months ago

That's the only way you're stuffing people with these drugs, shame!!

Kolowrotek  (Anonymous, 31.61.242.) 10 months ago

Only that the EU banned it in 2021 and did not allow it

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

No, Rutinoscorbin is not carcinogenic. Like any drug, it is tested for safety and efficacy.

If you wanted to ask about E171 (titanium dioxide), which contains Rutinoscorbin, it is provisionally approved in medicinal products by the EMA's decision (until suitable alternatives are developed).

On the other hand, the European Commission has introduced a ban on the use of titanium dioxide in food (where much higher amounts are used than in medicines), and food that has been produced in accordance with the regulations in force before 7 February 2022 can remain on the market until the end of its minimum durability date or use-by date.

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