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Kondi (Anonymous, 5.184.118.) Warszawa 12 months ago

Which doctor refers immunoglobulin treatment for pyoderma gangrenosum?

Hello. Which doctor issues referrals for immunoglobulin administration?

I'm a guy and I've been fighting pyoderma for a long time. I took various antibiotics and after discontinuation within at least one month everything comes back to me (white acne, filled with pus, infected with Staphylococcus aureus).
Apparently I have no other health problems. The sting gets sick. I lead a healthy lifestyle.

I think the problem is in the immune system that can't handle it.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

The decision to implement the appropriate treatment is made by the attending physician after all the necessary tests have been performed. Treatment of systemic diseases, which are a manifestation of dysfunction of the immune system (and pyoderma is considered to be such an entity), is dealt with by a specialist immunologist. In the first place, other skin diseases and potentially concomitant diseases (e.g. all autoimmune ailments, which often "go hand in hand" with this type of ailments) should be ruled out. I also encourage you to look for a professional dermatology clinic and a specialist who deals with hard-to-heal lesions.

In case of any doubts, it is possible to use a teleconsultation with a dermatologist - the service is available in the e-visit tab:


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