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Abcc (Anonymous, 89.64.40.) Warszawa 11 months ago

How do I use Zinerit, morning or evening, and how do I combine it with my moisturiser?

The dermatologist prescribed me zineryt for use once a day. During the visit, however, I forgot to ask about some issues. Is it better to use it in the morning or in the evening and can I apply a moisturizer after applying and waiting a while? Is it better, for example, to apply zineryte in the evening and moisturizer only in the morning?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

Unless otherwise advised by your doctor, apply Zinerite at night and moisturizer in the morning.

Zinerite should be generously applied to the skin of the entire face or other affected areas (do not
only the lesion itself) until the treated area is completely covered, using approximately 0.5 ml of solution each time.

After turning the bottle with the applicator upside down, apply the medicine to the affected affected skin area by moving the applicator over it. The amount of The bottles of the solution are adjusted by increasing or decreasing the pressure applicator on the skin.

Here you can check the availability of the medicine and make a reservation at the pharmacy:


I am also attaching links to websites where you can compare the prices of moisturizing creams dedicated to sensitive and acne-prone skin and order them with home delivery or pickup at the pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/16829/cetaphil-ps-lipoaktywny-krem-nawilzajacy-krem/apteki



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