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Asia  (Anonymous, 178.215.207.) Warszawa 12 months ago

Is it possible that bleeding may not be without any cause with Vines tablets?

Hello! He has been using Vines tablets for over a year. Typically, spotting on placebo tablets occurred after the 2nd or 3rd tablet and could be very scanty. This month, bleeding between blisters did not occur. Intercourse took place, but intermittent, and there is usually additional security in the form of condoms. Before starting a new blister, I did tests that came out negative. Is it possible that bleeding may not be without any cause?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

With birth control pills, any bleeding disorders should be consulted with a gynecologist. In this situation, you should consult your doctor to modify the treatment.

Lack of withdrawal bleeding while taking birth control pills can happen and it can have different causes. This does not always necessarily mean reduced contraceptive effectiveness. Here are some possible causes of such bleeding:

Misuse of pills: Incorrect taking of birth control pills, e.g. missed a dose or taking pills irregularly.

Hormonal changes: Contraceptives can affect hormone levels in the body, which can lead to changes in menstrual bleeding.

Gynecological infections or conditions: Genital tract infections or other gynecological conditions may be the cause of the absence of bleeding.

Stress or lifestyle changes: Stress, dietary changes, excessive exercise, or other lifestyle changes can affect bleeding disorders.

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