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Aaaa (Anonymous, 5.173.88.) Grzegórzki, Kraków 12 months ago

How to test the level of benzene in the child's body?

Since birth, I have been giving my daughter iron every day Sideral Gocce 4ml with Juvit C and Innovitum B.
I just read that the sodium benzoate contained in this iron reacts with vit. C to form carcinogenic benzene. Could I have harmed the baby? You can check how much sodium benzoate is in Sideral To check how much harmful relationship the child has taken?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

One method of assessing benzene exposure is to measure the concentration of phenol in urine. It is the main metabolite of benzene, hence its measurement is a source of information about potential exposure to this chemical compound.

Please consult your paediatrician who will assess whether such an examination is necessary for your child.

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