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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

AKTYWIADAILY (Anonymous, 31.60.226.) Warszawa 12 months ago

How should I continue to take Atywia Daily if I stopped taking them on the 15th tablet for 2 days?
24.99 zł

Hello, I need quick help. I went on a trip and unfortunately for me I forgot the Aktywia Daily contraceptive pills. So I didn't accept any, neither on Saturday nor on Sunday. Today is Monday, I have a prescription and I bought medicines, what should I do now? Because I had bleeding at night, should I take the overdue medication and finish the pack and not take a 7-day break? What should I do now?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @Kaja:
There is no need to worry. Placebo tablets are so-called empty tablets, i.e. containing only auxiliary ingredients - without the active substance. You can not take them at all, and the effectiveness of the entire therapy will be maintained. It is important that the interval between taking the active (pink) pills does not last longer than 7 days.

Kaja (Anonymous, 91.150.180.) 2 months ago

Hello. I take Vibin mini contraceptive pills. I went on a week-long trip and forgot to take them, but the trip happened to be taking placebo pills. If I don't take any placebo pills during my week-long break, will it affect the effectiveness of the pills? Do placebo pills contain anything that preserves contraception?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

Bleeding may not occur during the break. Spotting/bleeding may occur when taking active tablets.

AKTYWIADAILY (Anonymous, 37.47.153.) 12 months ago

So I take this week's break from white pills and then start a new package? Will withdrawal bleeding occur again?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

You can finish taking the tablets from this blister, you do not need to take the missed tablets - however, the protection will not be maintained and you must additionally use a condom during this blister.

After the last green tablet, you need to proceed to a new package. In the process of taking tablets from the new package, protection will already be restored. However, spotting or intracyclic bleeding may occur - continue to take the tablets despite bleeding / spotting.

I enclose a link to a helpful entry:


Here you can check availability of Atywia Daily and make a reservation:


AKTYWIADAILY (Anonymous, 37.47.153.) 12 months ago

I stopped at the 15th tablet from the package.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

The procedure will depend on which tablet you stopped the treatment with. Which tablet from the blister did you take last, on which day?

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