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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Stanisław  (Anonymous, 31.0.95.) Warszawa 12 months ago

Will Piascledine help a lot with degeneration?

I have a serious problem with the lumbothoracic spine along with the cervical vertebrae and knees. Will this drug help me a lot with degeneration. I am 66 years old. And mom 92 years. That's how it teases us. Doctors for a very long time did not want to write referrals to the neurohirer for several years. Until it came to such a state. No neurologist touched my spine or my mother's with his finger. Help us Stanislaw

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

As a pharmacist, I can't prescribe medications or refer you to specific doctors, but I can provide some general information:

Degeneration of the spine and knee problems are common age-related conditions that can cause pain and limitations in everyday functioning. In this situation, it is important to consult the appropriate specialists, such as a neurologist or orthopedist, who can carefully assess your situation and recommend appropriate treatment. If you are not able to take advantage of the advice, I enclose a link to online teleadvice, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:

Piascledine is a preparation containing an isolated lipid complex of plant origin. It is a medicine that can help protect and regenerate articular cartilage and reduce pain associated with joint problems such as osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis).

However, the effectiveness of Piascledine can vary depending on the individual response of the body. There is no guarantee that this preparation will help in a particular case, and its effects may be visible after a longer period of use. It is also worth remembering that dietary supplements are not a substitute for medical care.

I enclose a link to a page where you can compare the prices of Piascledine in online pharmacies and place an order with home delivery or collection at the nearest stationary pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/61526/piascledine-300-kapsulki/apteki

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