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Magda (Anonymous, 83.23.211.) Warszawa 11 months ago

Is oral herpes a consequence of labial herpes?

Good morning
Can the changes in the mouth that came out immediately after herpes on the lips be herpetic as well? Although herpes on the lips has already been many times,that is, it is recurrent Are such herpetic changes in the oral cavity only with primary infection? How long does the virus expel with such changes from saliva? Best regards

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

11 months ago

Herpes of the oral mucosa in the overwhelming majority of cases is a primary infection, generally unrelated to labial herpes. Changes in the mouth are usually accompanied by general symptoms resembling those of a cold. The period of excretion of the virus in saliva is about 3 weeks.

You can read about how to effectively treat herpes in the text:

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