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Alicja (Anonymous, 83.20.22.) Warszawa 13 months ago

Will Qlaira tablets not bleed like when using Slinda?
24.99 zł

Good morning
The doctor recommended me to change the tablets from Slinda to Qlaira, but with the first pack I should not take a placebo, and with the next I can take them normally.

With Slinda I didn't bleed at all, or with Qlair, if it doesn't appear, do I have anything to worry about, is the lack of bleeding normal, and it doesn't mean pregnancy?

Is this how the effectiveness is maintained with subsequent packages?

Can I not take placebo pills at all like with slinda?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

With Qlaira tablets, withdrawal bleeding usually occurs (2-3 days after starting placebo tablets). In some women, bleeding sometimes does not occur and if the pills were taken correctly, there is no reason to worry. If bleeding does not occur twice in a row, then it is recommended to take a pregnancy test.

Contraceptive protection is preserved.

It is not recommended to skip withdrawal bleeding breaks frequently, as this can lead to overstimulation of the endometrium by hormones contained in active tablets and lead to its desquamation and mid-cyclic spotting.

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