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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Gosia (Anonymous, 5.173.202.) Warszawa 12 months ago

Is it normal that after increasing the dose of Zoloft to 150 mg I have a recurrence of symptoms of the disease?

From August 10 I take zoloft. My problems were shortness of breath in the chest, anxiety and squeaks in the ears and depressed mood. For the first week it was 25mg, then we increased with the doctor to 50mg, after 2 weeks we increased to 100mg. For 3 days I take 150 mg and today I probably have a crisis because it still stings me, gently squeaks in my ears, mood is also missing and my muscles hurt.
Whether zoloft help me? When will it start working?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

If the symptoms do not improve within the next 2 weeks, consultation with the attending physician will be indicated.

You may need to adjust your dose - you may need to reduce your dose to 100 mg, after consulting your doctor.
With increasing dose, there is an increased risk of side effects, so any change in dose requires observing the body and reporting your observations to the doctor. Based on this, the specialist will be able to choose the best, effective therapy.

I enclose links to helpful entries:



Here you can check the availability of Zoloft in pharmacies and make a reservation:


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