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beret (Anonymous, 146.70.85.) Warszawa 12 months ago

Does Digavar interact with my medications?

I take medications: prestarium, silodosin, apo-fina and acard.
Now the orthopedist prescribed me digavar. I have 2 questions: 1) Does Digavar interreact with the above medicines? 2) Digavar and driving?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

There are some interactions between the medicinal substances mentioned in the question. In the future, I encourage you to inform your doctor about all medicines and dietary supplements used, which will allow you to choose a safe and effective pharmacotherapy. Only your doctor can assess whether the combination of these medicines is safe and appropriate for your current clinical condition.

The combined use of Digavar and Prestarium may result in a weakening of the effect of Prestarium aimed at lowering blood pressure. There may also be an increase in potassium levels in the blood.

If medicines have been prescribed by different doctors, a consultation is indicated to determine whether these medicines can be used at the same time and whether there is a need to change the dosage. If the medication was prescribed by the same doctor, please follow the dosage regimen. Please also check your blood pressure regularly and have blood tests ordered by your doctor.

If you experience apathy, decreased muscle strength, fatigue, too slow or irregular heart rate, nausea, dizziness, fainting, decreased urine or other disturbing symptoms - please contact your doctor.

If you feel dizzy, sleepy, tired or have any changes in your vision after taking Digavar, you must not drive or use machines.

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