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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Reijo (Anonymous, 79.184.253.) Warszawa 12 months ago

My opinion: don't buy it unless you want to eat shame...

My opinion: do not buy it unless you want to eat the shame when the doctor will suck out the fecal masses in your intestine despite carefully following the instructions for the cleansing procedure. Clensia, you could say, is d...

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Nicia (Anonymous, 193.41.174.) 28 days ago

Clensia* - sorry, dictionary error

Nicia (Anonymous, 193.41.174.) 28 days ago

I also do not recommend Clemson - the test should be repeated. The intestine did not cleanse despite the diet and taking the preparation according to the instructions. I was just ashamed of myself.

Marcin  (Anonymous, 31.0.50.) 2 months ago

I do not recommend it. Everything according to the instructions. After the first dose, no reaction. It was only after the second dose that something moved. I was ashamed of the examination, the examination to be repeated. The doctor said that I was not prepared for the examination. Don't buy this scum.

AHAj (Anonymous, 37.30.22.) 2 months ago

I have been doing colonoscopies for years. I have not come across a worse preparation. Most of the tests to be repeated

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