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Anna  (Anonymous, 37.247.57.) Warszawa 13 months ago

Why do I have vaginal itching and burning a week before my period?

Why do I have vaginal itching and burning a week before my period? Once this year. The gynecologist said to use INFECTVAGIN.and samadować CLOTRIMAZOLEUM AFLOFARM. They just don't help too much. What else can you take?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

As a pharmacist, I will try to provide some general information, because it is difficult to propose a specific method of treatment based on such a short description. Vaginal itching and burning can have many different causes, including fungal infections, bacterial infections, viral infections, allergies, chemical irritations, hormonal problems, sexually transmitted infections and other medical conditions. The gynecologist recommended the use of antifungal drugs such as Infectvagin and Clotrimazoleum Aflofarm, since fungal infections are one of the more common causes of vaginal itching and burning. However, if these medications do not bring relief or the symptoms return, it is necessary to consult a doctor again. If you do not have the opportunity to visit stationary, I encourage you to use teleadvice, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja It is also worth paying attention to the following: Personal hygiene: It is important to maintain proper intimate hygiene. Please avoid aggressive soaps and hygiene products that can disturb the natural bacterial flora. It is worth increasing the hygiene of the intimate areas using, for example, washing gels or liquids with a pH similar to the pH of intimate areas (5.2), which effectively protect the vagina against the attack of pathogenic bacteria, e.g.: Provag emulsion: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89230/provag-specjalistyczna-emulsja-do-higieny-intymnej-plyn/apteki Plivafem B: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/62333/plivafem-b-zel/apteki Hormonal changes: Hormonal problems, such as lowering estrogen levels, can lead to irritation and itching. Please discuss this with your doctor and possibly consider using hormone therapy if indicated. Allergies: It is worth checking if you are allergic to any substances in products used every day (e.g. latex, ingredients in intimate hygiene lotions). Sexually transmitted infections: If you are sexually active, there is a possibility of sexually transmitted infections. In this case, it is important to detect and treat the corresponding infection.

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