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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

kuba z torunia (Anonymous, 188.47.29.) Toruń 12 months ago

When can you expect in pharmacies Cannabis Sativa L., Red No 2 (Canopy Growth)?

When can you expect in pharmacies Cannabis Sativa L., Red No 2 (Canopy Growth)?

7 answers, 1 subscriber

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Kamil (Anonymous, 5.173.3.) 12 months ago

Whats up can someone comment on the new delivery 👊👊😃

***** *** (Anonymous, 78.11.79.) 12 months ago

And something more? Red was the only one who never disappointed:(

gohan190@wp.pl (Anonymous, 94.101.19.) 12 months ago

In general, you can see that the new Red 2 is much worse than the previous one

***** *** (Anonymous, 78.11.79.) 12 months ago

It already appears in pharmacies. If someone has already bought, let him confirm that the good old Red is back and there are no surprises. Thanks:)

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

In the coming days, we expect to improve the availability of dried Cannabis Sativa L., Red No 2 (Canopy Growth) in pharmacies. Here you will be able to check availability and make reservations: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/98013/cannabis-sativa-l-red-no-2-canopy-growth-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki Current availability information can be found here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/98013/cannabis-sativa-l-red-no-2-canopy-growth-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki?pvid=244917#news

K2 WW (Anonymous, 5.173.11.) 12 months ago

Sorki confused months, they said that at the end of August or somehow on the days 😏

WW K2 (Anonymous, 5.173.11.) 12 months ago

In a month .

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